
Posted by : x Monday, April 7, 2014

The project idea was formed by the group on 1st April on the first lab session. The idea was a combination of the resources and topics available in the lab section 106. The lab topics covered a few aspects of bio-medical applications and the group decided on an appropriate project that would use the available skillset of the group. So, this meant finding a bio-medical application that required electrical and computer engineers.
As a result we decided to use the provided simple 2- lead wearable ECG monitor and Arduino board to make a remote heart monitoring system. The idea behind this was to make a portable heart monitoring device that kept track of the rhythm of patient’s heart. The benefit of doing so would mean that less complicated devices would be involved, and the patient will be able to carry on with normal activity.
Major updates:
·        Technical: A Bluetooth shield will be used for the wireless transmission, and the Bluetooth would be paired to a smartphone with built-in Bluetooth. A mobile application would be made to display and process the information received.
·        Software: Android platform will be used to design the mobile application. The preferred programming language for this platform is Java. Some member have previous programming experiences and they will build on those to program on Android.
·        Feasibility: The Bluetooth shield would set us back by about $30.00.
·        Next week work: More research and work on Arduino is required since none of the group members are familiar with it. We will also be looking into Bluetooth hardware.

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